實際上,根據實際比較測試和現場應用記錄,Posi-flate蝶閥性能*于所有的閥門。 事實上, 一個Posi-flate蝶閥的壽命能達到一至三百萬次循環周期, 甚至在嚴重磨損的情況下也能使用,這是不同尋常的。 對于干燥的固體、氣體和泥漿體,使用Posi-flate 膨脹式蝶閥。
膨脹式蝶閥585/586系列是為zui苛刻的條件而設計的。閥座是為重載和更高的操作壓力而設計的。閥門的尺寸范圍為2〞(50mm) - 24〞(600mm) , 適用于ANSI和公制法蘭標準。 系列齊全的執行器,限位開關和控制裝置能有效地滿足不同的應用要求。
Magna™? Flow Control Valve
Series 608 & 700
For Gases or Liquids
1100 Precise Setpoints
The Magna Flow Control Valve with an easy to read micrometer dial offers an amazing 1100 precise set points to accuray control flow of gases or liquids. The extremely high CV of the Magna Flow Control Valve enables very high flows with the Series 608 and lower flows with the Series 700 for whatever media is being controlled, up to 200 PSIG pressure or full vacuum. Linear flow characteristics provide easy to set and precise metering of gases and liquids for almost any application where accurate results are required.
Hundreds of Applications
Available in light-weight impact resistant nylon, the Magna Flow Control Valve offers superior strength and corrosion resistance, making it ideal for use in hundreds of different applications. Simplicity of construction, with removable top and bottom caps, provides easy disassembly for cleaning or maintenance without removing the valve from service. Proven O-ring seals provide a positive zero leak shut-off. Replacement of seals, if required, is quick and easy because disassembly is simple and fast. The Magna Flow Control Valve offers all these features at a very affordable price.
Series 608 - high flow
Series 700 - low flow
1100 Set Points
Handles Gases or Liquids
Micrometer Dial
O-Ring Seals
Positive Shut-off
Impact Resistant
Inspection Cap Standard
Low Cost
Light Weight
Vibration Resistant
Posi-flate 蝶閥*的設計, 采用氣體壓力使閥座向著閥盤伸展, 以便于隨時為密封提供均勻分布的壓力。 由于在閥門的開啟和關閉期間, 閥盤和閥座只會發生瞬時接觸, 從而使閥盤僅受到輕微的碰撞。 相反,對于一般的蝶閥來說,閥盤擦過閥座產生的碰撞,會降低閥門的性能和壽命。
實際上,打開和關閉Posi-flate蝶閥時只需要很小的扭矩。 這樣可以使用較小的執行器,從而降低整個閥門的成本。
上一篇 意大利GEFRAN控制器行業的 下一篇 德國vega壓力調節器*